You are here: Home Repertory VRV SPA


vrv-spa Via Burago 24 - 20060 Ornago (MI)
Telephone: 039 60251
Fax: 039 6025410
Local branch employees: From 50 to 249 staff
Employees in Italy: Da 50 a 249 addetti
Average turnover - last three years: More than Euro 50 million
Region: Lombardy
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, Turkey, North Africa, Middle East, India, China, other Countries.

VRV specializes in the design and manufacturing of pressure containing equipment for the Refining, Petrochemical, Fertilizer, Oil & Gas and Cryogenic industries, and has two main divisions: Energy & Petrochemical and Cryogenic.
VRV also works in the renewable energy field, providing processing, engineering and/or equipment for Polysilicon production plants.

Core business settings
Renewable energy

Technologies and Components
Polysilicon and Flash Technologies are two areas of application for which VRV supplies proprietary equipment and process technologies as complete packages:
CVD Reactor and STC Converter (for the production of Polysilicon)
TCS synthesis
TCS purification and chlorosilane distillation
Flash Drier, dynamic thin layer centrifugal drier-granulator
Eco Flash, ecological version for municipal and industrial treatment of sludge
Flash Reactor, combined technology for mixing, reaction, drying and granulation