Via Mario Re Depaolini, 52
- 20015
Website: www.wteitaly.com Email: wte@wteitaly.com Telephone: 0331 490449 Fax: 0331 1461384 Local branch employees: Up to 9 staff Employees in Italy: Up to 9 staff Average turnover - last three years: From Euro 2 million to 5 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Italy , Europe, Turkey, Sudan Nigeria Kenia and South Africa, Middle East, India Bangladesh and Pakistan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Australia Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina
WTE is considered a leading Italian brand in diffused aeration, used in active sludge process of waste water treatment plant.
WTE provides top of the art aeration systems for the biological wastewater treatment to public utilities as well as industrial customers.
WTE offers the entire aeration system with plastic or stainless steel piping, fixed on the tank floor or retrievable, ejectors and controls systems to help operators to optimize the process.
Core business settings
Technologies and Components
Fine medium and coarse bubble disc and tube diffusers equipped with non clogging membranes in EPDM, silicone polyurethane . Piping in PVC. PP, stainless steel AISI 304L, 316L and duplex. All piping is preassembled in our workshop.