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Horizon 2020 - Selezione dei bandi per le imprese - gennaio 2014

Aggiornamento delle più interessanti opportunità di Horizon 2020.

La Commissione Europea ha pubblicato i nuovi bandi di HORIZON 2020 per agevolare tramite contributi a fondo perduto le spese di ricerca e innovazione delle imprese. Assolombarda segnala le seguenti opportunità, divise per ambiti tecnologici:


Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione

Tema di ricerca: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services (ICT-07-2014).
Indicato per: imprese, incluse le PMI, appartenenti al settore ICT con competenze nella realizzazione e gestione di infrastrutture e servizi cloud in ambienti di grandi dimensioni.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 100% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: Research and innovation actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-ICT-2014-1.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 23 aprile 2014.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is focused on high performance heterogeneous cloud infrastructures; development, deployment and management of cloud-based infrastructures and services over large-scale, distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic computing and storage environments; federated cloud networking; dynamic configuration, automated provisioning and orchestration of cloud resources; automated discovery and composition of services; cloud security. Expected impact: significantly higher quality of user experience and trust in clouds; demonstration  of cloud-based services in cloud environments; demonstration of the dynamic provisioning of interoperable applications and services over heterogeneous resources and devices; of high level of performance and quality of service; increased innovation opportunities for service providers, including SMEs and public administrations; improve the competitive position of the European cloud sector.

Per approfondimenti: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/83-ict-07-2014.html

Trasporti intelligenti, ecologici e integrati

Tema di ricerca: Advanced bus concepts for increased efficiency (MG-3.1-2014).
Indicato per: imprese costruttrici di autobus in grado di sviluppare componenti standard.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 70% delle spese ammissibili (100% per enti no profit).
Tipologia: Innovation Actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 18 marzo 2014 – I fase; 28 agosto 2014 – II fase.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to develop key innovative solutions in real operational scenarios with the joint collaboration of industries and authorities/operators, adopting a system approach. This will entail research and demonstration activities for the vehicle and its interfaces with the transport system. Expected impact: improvement of public transport in Europe through more attractive buses that contribute to strengthen the leading role of European industries in the sector, in particular through the development of standard components by the bus manufacturers and by the demonstration of at least a 30% reduction of energy needed for climate control while complying with Real Driving Emissions limits set by the established Euro VI procedures.

Per approfondimenti:

Ambiente: Clima, efficienza delle risorse e materie prime

Tema di ricerca: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects (SCC-01-2014).
Indicato per: imprese in grado di partecipare allo sviluppo di soluzioni integrate per città intelligenti (Smart Cities).
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 70% delle spese ammissibili (100% per enti no profit).
Tipologia: Innovation Actions. È necessario la costruzione di un partenariato pubblico-privato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-SCC-2014.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 7 maggio 2014.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: the objective of this action is to identify, develop and deploy replicable, balanced and integrated solutions in the energy, transport, and ICT actions through partnerships between municipalities and industries. Expected impact: deploy wide-scale, innovative replicable and integrated solutions in the energy, transport and ICT; trigger large scale economic investments with the repayment of implementation costs in acceptable time lines; increase the energy efficiency of districts and of cities and foster the use of renewables; increase mobility efficiency with lower emissions of pollutants and CO2.

Per approfondimenti:

Salute, cambiamenti demografici e benessere

Tema di ricerca: Development of new diagnostic tools and technologies: in vitro devices, assays and platforms (PHC-10-2014).
Indicato per: imprese in grado di sviluppare nuovi elementi e tecnologie per diagnosi mediche più tempestive e migliori decisioni cliniche.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 100% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: Research and innovation actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 11 marzo 2014 – I fase; 19 agosto 2014 – II fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to develop new diagnostic tools and techniques in order to improve the performance of diagnosis, prediction, monitoring, intervention or assessment of therapeutic response, with a significant impact on clinical decisions and health outcomes. Expected impact: innovative, more accurate, more reliable and cost effective in vitro diagnostic tools and technologies for earlier disease diagnosis, patient stratification and/or prognosis of disease outcome leading to improved clinical decisions and health outcomes.

Per approfondimenti:

Agro-Alimentare: sicurezza alimentare e agricoltura sostenibile

Tema di ricerca: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing eco-innovative food production and processing (SFS-08-2014-1).
Indicato per: PMI in grado di sviluppare produzioni e processi nel “food system” innovativi e orientati a una maggiore efficienza.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument.
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-1-2014.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 I Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to develop more resource-efficient and hence sustainable food production and processing throughout the food system at all scales of business in a competitive and innovative way. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenge of Sustainable Food Security in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments.

Per approfondimenti:

Nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie, produzione e lavorazione avanzata

Tema di ricerca: Materials solutions for use in the creative industry sector (NMP-18-2014).
Indicato per: imprese in grado di sviluppare soluzioni innovative nell'utilizzo di materiali secondari nei settori dell'industria creativa per la produzione di nuovi materiali.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili (100% per enti no profit).
Tipologia: Innovation Actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 6 maggio 2014– I fase; 7 ottobre 2014 – II fase.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is aimed at developing of innovative material solutions for use in the creative industry sectors based on waste or process by-products to produce new materials or adopting bio-mimetic approaches. Expected impact: innovative sustainable material solutions for products with lower environmental footprint for use in the creative industry sector; promoting new collaborative innovation strategies and practices along the value chain by reducing the gaps between the material developers, designers, producers and consumers; integrating design into research and development to better support commercial and societal applications benefiting from a strong user orientation.

Per approfondimenti:


Tema di ricerca: Manufacturing of prefabricated modules for renovation of building (EE-01-2014).
Indicato per: aziende in grado di sviluppare moduli pre-fabbricati per la ristrutturazione degli edifici.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 70% delle spese ammissibili (100% per enti no profit).
Tipologia: Innovation Actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-EE-2014-1-PPP.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 20 marzo 2014.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to develop prototypes and pilot implementations with lower pre-fabrication costs and ease building integration processes, also taking into account the challenge of aesthetics of existing buildings. Expected impact: reduction in total buildings (primary) energy consumption by at least a factor of 2 with respect to the current situation, and a cost-level better than traditional renovation activities; significant reduction of renovation operations while ensuring low intrusiveness and impact for users; reduction in installation time by at least 30%, compared to a typical renovation process for the building type; better quality standard and performance guarantee for the installed prefabricated modules and their integrated components, while enhancing indoor air quality.

Per approfondimenti:


Tema di ricerca: Supply Chain Security topic 2: Technologies for inspections of large volume freight (BES-09-2014).
Indicato per: aziende in grado di sviluppare tecnologie per il controllo e la sicurezza di grandi volumi di merci.
Agevolazione: contributo a fondo perduto fino al 100% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: Research and innovation actions. È necessario un partenariato per poter accedere a questa opportunità.
Codice: H2020-BES-2014.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 13 maggio 2014.
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to explore options for parallel development of at least two different technologies for container scanning, for instance: atomic property based interrogation, particularly to detect threat materials shielded in dense cargos, interrogation technology being directed towards the detection of organic products of relevance to Customs; evaporation based interrogation, with targeted selectivity at approximately femtogram/litre level, to be directed towards a wider scope. Expected impact: a technology which could scan a load with high probability of detection of particular key commodities would increase efficiency and throughput and reduce cost and delays to innocent shippers. Solutions are therefore to be developed to allow for an increased assurance level in particular for dense containerised cargo, avoiding the need to unnecessarily resorting to physical inspection.

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Per informazioni è possibile contattare la segreteria del Green Ecoomy Network, 02 58370431/398/467.

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